We Organized The October 2nd, 2021
Savannah Women’s March for Reproductive Freedom

With only three weeks to organize after Texas’s draconian abortion restrictions…

We reached over a thousand concerned Savannahians and organized a march from Forsyth Park towards Johnson Square.

Why? Because we understand that Reproductive Rights touch to the core of our biology.

But further than that, they limit the core of our identity.

Abortion bans target us at our weakest point: AUTONOMY OVER OUR BODIES.

Which fundamentally restricts autonomy over our identities.

And that’s why, on a national and professional stage, we need to have control of our reproductive freedom in order to be able to progress as fast and easily as men do.

We believe that birth control––abortion access––and resources for responsible motherhood are fundamental rights that impact us as human beings who want to make something of ourselves

BEYOND gender!

On October 2nd, we invited 10 incredible speakers and political activists to share their views on Reproductive Rights at our march.

They did NOT disappoint.

Now, we’re calling on the U.S. Senate to pass a landmark bill called the Women’s Health Protection Act.

This bill CAN end a 50 year insecurity surrounding Roe vs Wade by codifying abortion access and the right to privacy for women.

That way, we don’t have to be afraid tomorrow. We don’t have to be afraid for our children. And we’ll know for certain that our grandchildren won’t still be going through this fight many decades down the road.

100% of women today––absolutely 100%––need to have control of their bodies in order to control their future.

In the 21st Century, there is NO GOING BACK to having other people make decisions for another woman’s uterus.

Become a Donor to Your Savannah Abortion Rights March!

We’re as active in the community as our donors allow us to be!